Noen nyinnkjøpte bøker

  • Browning : a private life / Iain Finlayson. - London : HarperCollins, 2004.
  • The Cambridge Companion to the Sonnet [videoopptak] / A.D. Cousins og
  • Peter Howarth (red.). - Cambridge University Press, 2011. 
  • The Cambridge introduction to Jean Rhys / Elaine Savory. - Cambridge :
  • Cambridge University Press, 2009. 
  • A Companion to Irish literature / edited by Julia M. Wright. - Malden, Mass. :Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
  • English poetry of the Victorian period 1830-1890 / Bernard Richards. - 2nd ed. - Harlow : Longman, 2001. - XIV, 314 s. (Longman literature in English series)
  • A history of Irish thought / Thomas Duddy. - London : Routledge, 2002. -
  • A history of Italian cinema / Peter Bondanella New York : Continuum, 2009. 
  • Hulemannen : kriminalroman / Jørn Lier Horst. [Oslo] : Gyldendal, 2013.
  • Ireland and the picturesque / Finola O'Kane. - New Haven : Yale University
  • Press, 2012.
  • Parallellspråk og domene : nordisk språkplanlegging på 2000-tallet, med særlig vekt på forsknings- og utdanningssektoren = Parallellsprog og domæne / Sigurður Jónsson ... [et al.]. - Oslo : Novus forlag, 2013.
  • Poetry and Geography : Space and Place in Post-War Poetry / Neal Alexander
  •  & David Cooper (Eds). - Liverpool University Press, 2013.
  • Reading Victorian poetry / Richard Cronin. - Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2012. (Reading poetry) 
  • Readings of trauma, madness, and the body / Sarah Wood Anderson. - NewYork : Palgrave  Macmillan, 2012. - X, 210 s. (American literature readings in the 21st century)
  • Reframing Yeats : Genre, Allusion and History / Charles I. Armstrong. -Bloomsbury, 2013.
  • Shelley's intellectual system and its Epicurean background / Michael A. Vicario. - New York : Routledge, 2007.
  • Sosiale medier i samfunnet / Jan Frode Haugseth. - Oslo : Universitetsforl., cop. 2013.

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