paper.... kladd

(2) make sharing easy; 
means "putting tools in place to encourage sharing content" (2015:529) ex: hashtags "to tie together items shared" (finne def på hashtag) 
(3) reward engagement;  "actively monotoring user interaction" "giving recognition for such behavior" 
Oppsøgende virksomhed: "Libraries can also search for hashtags or words associated with the library to identify conversation around library resources and services (...) A library cab then interact with users who have engaged with the library" (2015:533)
..."connect users to otherwise unknown resources and services" (2015: 534) 

(4) proactively share; 
- målrette (hvem?)
- tagging others (andre institusjonskontoer) can further engage the community 
- tagging images of people who attend
(5) encourage reuse
social share buttons
- literally - speech act: share!!!(lik og del)
"social trust and connectedness" 


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