Steve Sem-Sandberg i Kristiansand!

Haandverkeren kl 20 torsdag: Steve Sem-Sandberg (f. 1958) er forfatter, essayist og kritiker i Dagens Nyheter. Hans seneste roman, De fattiga i Łodź (2009) vant Augustpriset, og er oversatt (eller under oversettelse) til snaue tretti språk (inkludert norsk). Han blir intervjuet av Olaf Haagensen, UiA-stipendiat og Vagant-skribent.

Arrengementet er en del av After the crisis-seminaret 6-8. juni

'An Interdisciplinary Conference on Narratives of Traumatic Events

Kristiansand, Norway, June 6-8, 2012
 Bokutstilling ved UB i anledning seminaret
The conference’s aim is to focus on various kinds of trauma narratives, for instance stories told by clients in therapy, stories told by survivors or witnesses to the media, or stories told by professional authors in fiction and non-fictional texts. We welcome contributions that explore various dimensions of trauma narratives, such as form and function, gender inscriptions, sexuality and power, or effect and role of narratives in the construction of national and historical trauma concepts.
We invite scholars across scientific and departmental boundaries to share new research on trauma narratives and representations of trauma.
Keynote speakers:
Molly Andrews, Cathy Caruth,
Trond Heir, Jakob Lothe, Steve Sem-Sandberg, Lars Weisæth

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